Arts Entertainment and Leisure > Entertainment and Recreation

Our mission statement: Provide high quality, dependable, worry-free entertainment, making happy memories that last a lifetime!

Margaret Clauder is the owner and founder of DFW Funny Business. It is a small, woman owned business and maintains the required certifications as such. She started as a professional clown in 1984. After graduating from clown school and performing for thousands of children, Margaret founded DFW Funny Business, an entertainment agency devoted to high quality, dependable, worry free entertainment. Margaret recalls her 4th birthday party.

“It was not a wonderful party like most children dream of. It was horrible. I remember being in tears over all the strangers and my mother put me to bed. When I woke up the guests had eaten all of my cake and I saw no presents. It’s funny, but kids remember the best times in their life and the worst times. I want parties to always be the best times.”

Margaret’s adult sons remember their birthday parties from as young as age 3. “My parties were always the envy of the other kids at school, Mom” says John, now a college and law school graduate.


Last Updated
Margaret Clauder
[email protected]
(817) 856-2791
916 Wayland DrArlington, TX 76012


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