Automotive > General Automotive Services

At Lloyd’s Automotive we service all your automotive needs. With multiple locations to serve you in the Spokane, Washington area, we guarantee that you’ll get the incredible service that you need and deserve. A great alternative to the local dealership, we accept most extended warranty plans. Our work and labor are guaranteed with at 36 month/36,000 mile pro-rated warranty.

Our mechanics can handle even the smallest oil change as well as full factory service. Did your car pass the emissions tests or do you need emissions repairs? Are you in the market for new tires? We not only carry the best brands that you are looking for, but we can mount, balance and perform an alignment for you. When your check engine light comes on, we can find out why and let you know how we will take care of it for you. We handle everything from the suspension system to the timing belt to every other belt and hose that is a part of your driving machine.


Last Updated
Misty Sauberan
[email protected]
(509) 927-9034
8517 E Sprague AveSpokane, WA 99212


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