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Welcome to Strawberry Hill Books Free Book Search service. If you are looking for a hard-to-find, used or out-of-print book, you have come to the right place. Using our many years of experience and networks of out-of-print book dealers, we can help you locate any title you are having trouble with in any field.

For the Individual we can help you complete a series of a particular author, find your favorite book from childhood, research a subject in history, obtain a strategy guide or even track down out-of-print audio books.

For the Collector we are happy to search for First Editions in mint condition with dust jackets, paying the closest attention to all of the identifiers.

For Schools, we often provide textbooks for the classroom from single copies to classroom sets and Teacher’s Editions.


Last Updated
Mary Lou Gastin
[email protected]
(585) 334-0530
129 Strawberry Hill RdRochester, NY 14623


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