Industrial > Plastic, Rubber and Foam
We list more than 445,000 industrial suppliers. But we're unlike any other online marketplace. We don't scrape the web for outdated, inaccurate, or unreliable data. The foundation of our company profile data is built on real human research, complemented with our own proprietary technologies for data verification and quality control.
Through our team of more than 80 incredibly dedicated data researchers, we scour hundreds of sources on-and-offline to pinpoint industrial suppliers, large and small. Each company is contacted multiple times annually to ensure its information remains up-to-date and complete. In total, more than two million pieces of mail are sent, one million phone calls placed, and three million emails go out to ensure the accuracy and completeness of our listings.
Some sites include only those suppliers that pay to be listed. Others include only those that manually set up a listing. Once the listing is created, it's not uncommon for these sites to fully rely on the suppliers themselves to maintain their own listing. Only IndustryNet does the careful, thorough, and proactive research necessary to ensure that every qualified supplier is included and kept current.
IndustryNet is a service of MNI, the nation's oldest and largest compiler and publisher of industrial information. Our flagship publication, the Illinois Manufacturers Directory, dates back to 1912. Major news portals, newspapers, and radio & TV stations report the results of our research. We've been connecting millions of industrial buyers & suppliers for more than 100 years.
- Last Updated
- 22/Jul/2024
- Contact
- Samuel Wallace
- [email protected]
- Phone
- (850) 232-5586
- Website
- Address
- 5202 Red Bluff Rd BLDG APasadena, TX 77503